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Saturday, November 13


So, today I have begun to formulate a theory that there aren't only 5 elements, but ten. And more so, there is a heirarchy to the extent that one element can mix and combine with any element below it but cannot on its own doing contain any of the elements above. I will have to add a diagram later, but here is the basic idea in logical order, not in the order the elements actually exist in. First off we have our four basic elements that make up the earth. Air makes up the atmosphere of the planet. It mixes with Water that resides mainly on the surface of the earth. Then we have Earth itself that forms our crust. The earth melds with Fire to form the mantle. Now, the next part gets a little trickier. We say the core or the earth is solid. However, I suggest this cannot be just another layer of earth. There has to be something we don't yet understand. That lack of understanding leads the core to be percieved as solid because there is a boundry we cannot yet cross because we cannot understand its contents. Now, going back out from earth, we see that earth moves within a concept of Time. There is an individualized concept of time for each planet based on its rotation around its orbit thus time cannot be an overarching constant. It is the idea that time itself manifests in each planet that makes it an element. Next, we see that the earth and every other mass has a relative position in Space. The material that occupies that space cannot define space because the space is a relative location and thus an element unto itself. Only after we see these constructs of the universe can we delve into the idea of Deity. There is a greater power that sets everything in motion and maintains it. We have no way of understanding this element, other than to say it is our ultimate authority. However, I suggest there is something greater. Once we wrap our minds around our concept of deity, we continue to seek knowledge beyond that authority that we seem to grasp the concept on. Because of this, the ultimate element becomes Thought which transcends all else. Now, you might be thinking, "wait a minute Franchesca, that's only 9!" And you would be right. There is one more element that makes up our very existance. This is the element of Life. Life is what runs through every being, including plants and sometimes even objects which we normally perceive to be lifeless. Life has to transcend earthly understanding however or the concepts of spirits remaining on the earth after death would not be possible. Therefore on our hiearchy, life has to exist someplace outside of earth. Since time comes next, we have to look at life in terms of time. All life has an eventual beginning and end where it comes into and leaves any sort of existance, therefore life is above the elements of that make up earth, but below the constraints of time. So, in order, we have the unknown, fire, earth, water, air, life, time, space, deity, and thought.

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