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Sunday, January 23

Another Sunday

Yet another week I am not sure what to write about. Sigh.

I have been diving into my studies of my own religion any time I have had a bit of free-time recently. Which has lead to reading about 3 books at once, making a new set of runes, and having about 50 bazillion other religion based projects going on as well. The good news, is it is keeping me connected to my religion despite the fact I am incredibly busy.

So give me topics! I am currently reading through Uncle Bucky's big blue book, so I guess I will talk about something he mentioned.

He spends a lot of time talking about athames and how important it is to use one you have worked on yourself instead of a store bought knife. I don't think it matters as much as Buckland tries to make it sound. If a wand, as he puts it, can be a dowel rod painted gold, then why does the knife have to have some special effort put into it other than energy and cleansing? I have an athame that I bought from a local metaphysical store when I was just starting. It works beautifully and I have never had any problems with it. In fact, I would feel that I was disrespecting a knife if I took off the original handle to make my own as Buckland seems to find fitting. What happened to respecting the artisan? The person that made the piece doesn't matter, it is the way we respect and treat the items we use. For example, you use store bought cauldrons and statues. They are used for directing energy as well, even if it is not as intense. What I am getting to I guess, is I see no reason for a knife that is store bought to not have an intense connection with it's owner, just like any other piece on your altar would.


  1. Agreed! I feel it’s my *association* with any given tool that makes it powerful in magick and ritual. Ultimately tools are (in my opinion) just props – the magick is all in the mind!

  2. I am so glad to hear it's not just me haha. It has nothing to do with how the object was obtained. As long as it is cleansed and such, why can't it be used?


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