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Sunday, January 9

Almost missed a week ;)

So, an hour before Sunday is over I am posting. Such a bad person I am ;)

In any case, I have been trying to get back into meditation lately. I didn't realize what an impact just a short time away from the practice can have. Now when I sit down, I find my mind racing in a million directions. If I can get into the meditation state at all, I can't stop thinking about everything else I have going on and that I need to do. It feels like I am a beginner all over again. This is not the first time I have gone through this, but it never seems to be less traumatic. Since I know I am not the only one that has dealt with this, I will share a little insight on how I am getting through it. The important thing I am finding it to make yourself sit down, in the same area you meditate in, for the entire time you were hoping to meditate. That's right, even if you aren't meditating. Your mind will wonder, but don't let it get too involved in activity. Try to focus on something specific. If you like to color, use this as a meditative type exercise for a few days, focusing entirely on the page you are coloring. Maybe you have a small zen garden? Placed in the lap so that you can remain in your meditation area, a zen garden is a great way to focus the mind and keep yourself focused. Mediation balls are also helpful if you find yourself still having a problem getting back into meditation after a few days of focus. It is harder to focus on the balls form the beginning, so waiting until you are used to sitting in one spot the entire time is probably the best bet. I find it helpful to concentrate with a set of meditation balls in each hand to keep the mind focused. If you just can't find a way to keep yourself glued to that spot, that's alright too. Try for a few minutes at a time, for several times a day. If nothing else, there are many podcasts on guided meditations to get you back into the groove. Perhaps use one of these once a day, and then try again to maintain silence of the mind for a few moments before bed. Not only will this aide in falling asleep, but since you will force yourself to stay in bed, what better time could there be to practice quieting the mind? If you have anything to add, please post it in the comments. I look forward to hearing your techniques, and hopefully something can be gained from my experiences with the inability to get back into a solid meditation schedule.

Blessed be!


  1. I like your ideas! All I have to add is music – I find that music is a powerful meditation tool for me, AND a powerful ritual tool… i.e. if I use the same music for meditation often enough, the music itself will significantly aid in getting me back into the routine (ritual) of a meditative state. I find this very helpful, although I realize what works for me might not work for the next person…

    Good luck with finding the silence! Sounds like you’re making good progress : )

  2. I have found that music throws me off. I get too caught up in the music. Unless it's part of a guided meditation, I can't do it. Weird. Though I know it would help most people.


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