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Sunday, July 10

Not lost...just busy

So I am not going to apologize for not posting, but I will offer an explination for my absence.

I have been working seven days a week and some things had to be let go. Simple as that. My online presence has diminished greatly. However, I am moving soon and going back to only working 5 days a week, so my ability to do something more with this blog as I had planned should fall into place within the next month.

I am determined to continue with this blog and to scope out the reason I started it to begin with. I wanted to be able to talk to others about my experiances on the path, and maybe encounter friends and mentors along the way. I guess I got discouraged from the lack of feedback. I have been playing with the idea of a podcast to go with the blog, but in reality if I can't keep up with this, I won't keep up with a podcast.

So, I have been trying for awhile to make 'segments' of the blog to give me something solid to talk about. I would like to assign different segments to a schedule, but I know that won't work for me. Perhaps a list of things to be covered when I have time. Is there anything you want me to address? Let me know.

Also, I am considering starting over since I haven't had much of a direction here up till now. Like, I want to discuss basics and work my way up to more advanced topics. Is this something reasonable, or would you as a reader prefer the more free formed discussion?

Let me know. Its going to be probably around a month before I get back to posting normally. So that gives you time to help me out! I really want this to be something special, but have been floundering with where I am actually supposed to take it.

In any case, Blessed Be!

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