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Tuesday, December 22


I hope everyone had a blessed Yule. I know I did. I was worried to start, because I knew I could not celebrate to any extent on my own. I ended up shopping with my mom. After two front row parking spots, which I never get, and seeing my best friend in the store which is the only pagan friend I have here and fully didn't think I would see him on our holiday, I knew the Gods were with me despite the fact I didn't expect to feel their presence. I came home and lit the candles on the Yule Log I made for my alter last year and had a wonderful night.

The presence in my life lasted very strongly into today. My parents didn't wake me, which is a shock in itself, leaving me to wake on my own. I got up to my boyfriend saying good morning, did some yoga to connect to my own body and the universe, and did a short meditation. After doing a shielding ritual I adapted, I felt better than I had since I have been home. I chose my stone for the day, which oddly enough turned out to be a quartz, and spent the rest of the day being as mindful as I could and listening to my pagan podcasts.

Basically, what I mean is that I wasn't even trying and I fully connected with deity in a way I never expected. Whether it's through a short prayer or simply acknowledging the works of the divine in even the little things in life, I believe that there is something more and it can change our lives if we only look. Today, negativity was no longer a big deal. I dealt with it my way. I only hope that can continue.

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